THE ZOE REPORT: Want A Quick Get Away?

These Stunning European Cities Can Be Seen In A Day


Published: Dec. 11, 2023

For some travelers, the perfect kind of getaway is settling down in one destination and spending several days (or weeks!) immersing deeply into the culture. For others, it’s about squeezing in as many locations and itinerary items as possible. Depending on what you’re looking to get out of your trip, you could argue in favor or against both viewpoints — or somewhere in between the two. And while it’s true: there’s probably nowhere in the world you can fully know by spending just one day in it, the reality of limited vacation days and tight budgets means that sometimes you have to squeeze a whole lot of experience into a shorter timeframe.

Thankfully, Europe is a country where charming day trips hit their stride. Whether it’s for a long weekend or a pitstop while transiting from one big city to the next, there are several European towns that can be experienced and appreciated in 24 hours (albeit, worth a longer stay when possible). These destinations tend to have similar characteristics: efficient public transportation, walkable streets, and old town city centers with plenty of things to do, see, and taste. Ahead, eight such cities to visit to help get the most mileage out of your next European jaunt.

Éguisheim, France

The Alsace region is one of the most beautiful bits of France (think: lush forests, rolling hills, tranquil bodies of water, and world famous vineyards). It boasts several villages that epitomize charm, and one such destination that’s worth adding to your itinerary is Éguisheim (not far from Colmar). One glance at the village’s center and it’s clear that the medieval charm is strong here thanks to its narrow, winding roads and half-timbered houses. Visitors can explore the exterior of Château Saint-Léon, a historic castle, and take in the many colorful floral displays all around town. And no trip to Alsace is complete without a tarte flambée accompanied by a local Riesling.

Where to Stay: James Vignoble Hotel — A quiet, stylish boutique hotel with a standout pool surrounded by vineyards.